cooperative game

The night night train

 Cooperation - blindfold - communication - obstacles - - cunning - sports game - cooperation game

Night Train is a cooperative game. The aim of the game is tomove around without visual cues.

This game can be played as a warm-up before a sports session with children.

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Aim of the game - NIGHT TRAIN

The aim of this cooperative game is to develop : 

This game offers many development opportunities for children, including communication, trust, cooperation, motor skills, responsibility, decision-making, concentration, active listening and problem-solving.

  • Children will learn to trust their teammates and work together to complete the task. This will help them develop a team spirit and strengthen the bonds between participants.
  • Children will improve their motor skills by moving without visual cues and using only perceptual cues. They will also develop their sense of spatial orientation by learning to find their bearings and move around in space without using sight.
  • Children will learn to make decisions as a "Locomotive" player and take responsibility for guiding their team to victory. This will help them develop autonomy and confidence in their abilities.
  • Children need to stay focused on their teammates' instructions and signals to succeed in this game. This will help them develop the ability to concentrate and actively listen for important information.

Game organization - NIGHT TRAIN


  • 1 scarf per player 
  • Course

Rules of the game - NIGHT TRAIN

Rules of the NIGHT TRAIN - cooperative sports game for children

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Looking for children's sports games? All sports games

Players' roles : 

Locomotive player - Gives verbal instructions / responsibility / decision making

Wagon player - moves using perceptual cues

Before the game begins, the team lines up one behind the other to create a train. All players are blindfolded, with the exception of the first player.

When the starting signal is given, the train moves forward in line, following the rhythm of the steps. The first playerwho is not blindfolded, serves as the locomotive and must guide the train.

The locomotive communicates orally with the wagons (other players) attached to it, giving instructions and instructions such as "Be careful, we're going to turn left" or or "We're going to slalom", etc.

  • The purpose of the locomotive is to ensure that the wagons pass all obstacles safely.

Children need to focus on their playing partners' directions and signals to succeed in this activity.

Variants :

  • Easier: Cross an area with no obstacles or objects to avoid (in a straight line).
  • More difficult: All players are blindfolded, with the exception of the last player.

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Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

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guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport


I'm Xavier, a state-qualified youth and sports instructor.

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun!

BONUS ideas for sporting activities

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport