Pursuit games sports games

Bee sting game rules

chase game

Game rules Bee sting

The rule of the bee sting game is simple: run and don't get stung by a bee.

A hospital zone is set up to treat children who have been bitten. In this hospital, children will have to complete a number of challenges in order to be cured.

This game for children and even adults is a chase game and can be used as a warm-up, like the sports uno before a sports session.

Very easy to install.

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Objective of the bee sting game

The aim is to develop :  

  • The dodge

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Organization of the bee sting game


  • 2 bees (child)
  • 5 coupelles (hopital)


Rules of the bee sting game

run and don't get hit by the bees

Pour célébrer la sortie du livre des 35 jeux, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de poursuite vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Poursuite« .

Bee stings is a chase game

The aim of the game? Run and avoid being stung by bees.

If you are stung by a bee, you must put a bandage on the sting (put your hand where the sting is).

After 3 injections, you need to go to hospital for treatment.

Hospital care:

To be cured and return to the game, you must complete all the challenges.

  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 seconds of running on the spot as fast as possible
  • 10 frog jumps
  • 10 squats
  • 5 turns on yourself

Variants :

  • You can use the printable sports challenge cards I've created for another game. Available here.
  • Don't challenge them and send all the children to the hospital zone.
  • Stinging 3 times becomes a bee

To win :

  • If you use challenges, the aim is not to win, but to raise the children's body temperature (warm-up). 

If you don't use the challenges, all you have to do to win is prick all the children and send them to hospital within the time limit.

After 10 minutes, if there are still children with less than 3 injections, they win the whole group of children.

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Ball games sports games

Theque rule

traditional game

Rule of theèque

(Variant of theèque)

The rule of the game is simple: two teams play against each other on a pitch, with one team batting and the other catching. Lhe aim is to clear all opposing bases before the captain (of the catching team) receives the ball.

Kickball variant of theèque 

This game for children and even adults can be used as a warm-up before a sports session.

Very easy to install.

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Objective of the theme

The aim is to develop : 

  • The pass
  • The throw 
  • The forehand / backhand 
  • Cooperation

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Theque organization


  • 1 drummer team 
  • 1 catcher's team 
  • 6 studs or cups
  • 1 baseball bat or 1 tennis racket
  • 1 tennis ball


Theque rule

A simplified variant of the team sport of baseball

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

Theca is a traditional game.

The aim of the game? Shoot the ball into the field and round the bases to score 1 run.

  • Drummers are placed in single file (behind the 2 red studs).

Each in turnthe batter, will hit the ball with a baseball bat or tennis racket to send it as far down the field as possible.

Once the ball is in the middle of the field, the batter will run as quickly as possible through the bases (marked by the red studs) and cross the finish line. finish line to score 1 point.

During this time, the catchers, who are in the middle of the pitch, must retrieve the ball and pass it to the captain/thrower (between the yellow studs), who is not allowed to move from his position.

If the ball lands at the captain's feet while a batter is running, he's out. This is why he can stop on a base before the captain gets the ball. 

The 2nd batter repeats the same process as the 1st (hitting the ball and running around the bases). 

Note that it is not possible to cross a base if it is already occupied by a batter. 

All batsmen pass 1 time, then the roles are exchanged: batsman becomes catcher and catcher becomes batsman.

To win.

  • The number of points scored by each team is counted each time they bat. After 2 innings, the team with the most points wins.

Team reminder :

Batter: Score points by running around the bases and crossing the finish line, which confers 1 point.

Catcher: Eliminate batters by passing the ball to the captain as quickly as possible (a batter between two bases is out).

* If a ball is caught in flight by a catcher without touching the ground, the batter is out of the inning.

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Ball games sports games

Kick-Ball rule (a variant of theèque)

ball game

Règle du kick-ball

(Variant of theèque)

La règle du Kick-Ball est simple : Deux équipent s’affrontent sur un terrain, l’une est tireur et l’autre passeur, l‘objectif est de franchir toutes les bases adverses avant que le capitaine (de l’équipe de passeur) reçoive le ballon.

Le kick-Ball est une variante de la thèque.

This game for children and even adults can be used as a warm-up before a sports session.

Very easy to install.

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Objectif du Kick-Ball

The aim is to develop : 

  • The pass
  • Shooting
  • Cooperation

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Organisation du Kick-Ball


  • 1 équipe de tireur
  • 1 équipe de passeur 
  • 6 studs or cups
  • 1 ball


Règle du kick-ball

Kick a ball around the bases to score a run

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

Le Kick-Ball est un jeu de ballon.

The aim of the game? Shoot the ball into the field and round the bases to score 1 run.

  • Les tireurs sont placés en file indienne (derrière les 2 plots rouges)

Chacun à leur tour, les tireurs vont frapper le ballon pour l’envoyer le plus loin possible sur le terrain.

Une fois le ballon au milieu du terrain, le tireur va courir le plus rapidement possible en passant à chaque fois par les bases (matérialisé par les plots rouges) et passer la ligne d’arrivée pour marquer 1 point.

Pendant ce temps, les passeurs, qui se trouvent au milieu du terrain doivent aller récupérer le ballon et le passer au capitaine (entre les plots jaunes) qui lui n’a pas le droit de bouger de sa place.

Attention, si le ballon arrive dans les pieds du capitaine pendant qu’un tireur est entrain de courir, celui-ci est éliminé. C’est pourquoi il peut s’arrêter sur une base avant que le capitaine récupère le ballon. 

Le 2e tireur recommence le même procédé que le 1er (tirer et courir autour des bases). 

À noter qu’il n’est pas possible de franchir une base si celle-ci est déjà occupé par un tireur. 

Tous les tireurs passent 1 fois puis on échange les rôles, Tireur devient passeur et passeur devient tireur.

To win.

  • On comptabilise le nombre de points des équipes à chaque fois qu’elles sont tireur, au bout de 2 manches l’équipe qui a le plus de points gagne.

Rappel équipe :

Tireur : Marquer des points en courant autour des bases et en franchissant la ligne d’arrivée qui confère 1 point

Passeur : Éliminer les tireurs, en passant le ballon au capitaine le plus rapidement possible (un tireur entre deux bases est éliminé)

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Ball games sports games

Sun beret

Traditional game

the Beret sun

Run - pass - catch - speed

Sun beret is a traditional game for a group of children, played in teams both indoors and outdoors. The aim of the game is to make the sun by passing before the opposing team. 

Very easy to set up (no more than 5 min) 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Aim of the game : Béret soleil

The aim is to develop : 

  • Coordination

-Be able to throw a ball 

-Be able to catch a ball 


Rules of the sun beret game

beret ball game. The number called runs to the center of the field and passes to his team.

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

You need :

  • 14 cups or studs
  • 2 balls
  • 2 teams
  • Give a number to each participant per team

Aim of the game: 

  • Visit "TOP STARTthe number called runs into the middle of the sun and takes the ball in hand.

    His team joins him and everyone positions themselves around him.

    Once his team is in position, he sends the ball to one of his team-mates, who then sends it back to him and sends it back to another teammate and so on. All the way to the last teammate.


"N°6 is called" the number 6 of each of the two teams runs towards the center of his sun and takes the ball in hand.

Once No.6 is in place, his team-mates join him, positioning themselves around him.

Ball in hand, he passes to a team-mate, who then passes back to him. N°6 repeats the same process with a new teammate.

Until the whole team is done, a pass to N°6.

  • The 1st team to finish its passes and return to its own camp wins 1pt.
  • Then call another number...

Safety instructions :

Stop next to the stud, not on it. 

Variants :

  • Ball movement - Basketball - Rugby - etc...
  • If the ball touches the ground, we start again from zero.
  • Put a defender in the opposing sun

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Relay games sports games Traditional games

Sport version of Morpion

Traditional game

Tic-tac-toe sport version

Ages 5 to 77 

Tic-tac-toe is a warm-up game that can be played both indoors and outdoors. Fun and physical, it helps to raise body temperature before a sports session. 

Very easy to set up (no more than 5 min) 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Aim of the game: Sports tic-tac-toe

The aim is to develop : 

  • Reflection
  • Speed 
  • Communication


Morpion Sportif game rules

Morpion version sport - sports games for kids

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de relais vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Relais « .

You need :

  • 2 teams
  • 6 foulards ou chasubles
  • 9 hoops
  • 4 plots (matérialise le camp)

Aim of the game: 

Line up 3 identical colors horizontally, vertically or diagonally before your opponent.

  • Visit "TOP STARTthe 1st of each team runs towards a hoop and places a scarf in the team's color.

    He returns to his camp and the next person runs to place the same scarf.

    The game stops "STOP when a team has successfully aligned its color horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Safety instructions :

Run looking ahead. Be careful not to slip on a hoop

You might be interested in these other games:

Sporty uno

Planting trees 

Volcano and Glacier

Snowball fight 

The chi fou-mi

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Ball games sports games

The forest

tennis warm-up game

The forest

Ages 5 to 77 

The forest game is a warm-up game for tennis that can be played both indoors and outdoors. Fun and physical, it helps to raise body temperature before a sports session. 

Very easy to set up (no more than 5 min) 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Aim of the game : The Forest

The aim is to develop : 

  • Coordination
  • Precision
  • The throw 


Forest game rules

the forest

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

You need :

  • 2 teams
  • 1 plot divided into 2 
  • 10 raquettes de tennis (à faire tenir debout)
  • 8 plots 
  • 10 balles (mousse ou molle)

Aim of the game: 

-Dropping tennis rackets before the opposing team

  • Visit "TOP STARTplayers throw the balls to knock down the forest (tennis rackets) standing on their sleeve.

  • Les balles arrivant derrière les raquettes sont ramassées puis relancées sur les cibles.

    Le jeu s’arrête «STOP» › quand une équipe a réussi à faire tomber toutes les raquettes de tennis au sol.

    Play several rounds

Safety instructions :

It is forbidden to aim or throw a ball at a player. 

Variants :

  • Set up a forest guard (protects snowshoes)

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

sports games Traditional games

Volcano and Glacier

warm-up game

Volcano and Glacier

Run and turn over opponents' studs

Volcano and Glacier is a warm-up game that can be played both indoors and outdoors. Fun and physical, it helps to raise body temperature before a sports session. 

Very easy to set up (no more than 3 min) 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Volcano and Glacier game rules

aim of the game: turn over opponents' studs

You need :

  • 1 team consists of ice and 1 team volcano
  • 10 studs (or more depending on the number of participants)
  • Standing pot = Volcano
  • Upside down pot = Ice cream (ice cream cone)

Aim of the game: 

  • Visit "TOP STARTplayers run and turn as many studs as possible, according to their team's type of stud.

    Continue, turning over as many studs as you can.

    After 4-5 minutes, the game stops "STOP The team with the most cones in its position wins; VOLCANO or ICE

    Jouez plusieurs manches en changeant de camp : volcan <-> glace

You might be interested in the warm-up game "Planting trees

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

sports games Traditional games

plant trees

warm-up game

plant trees

Ages 5 to 77 

Planting Trees is a warm-up game that can be played both indoors and outdoors. Fun and physical, it helps to raise body temperature before a sports session. 

Very easy to set up (no more than 5 min) 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Aim of the game : Plant trees

The aim is to develop : 

  • Coordination
  • Agility
  • Speed 


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Rules of the tree-planting game

You need :

  • 2 teams
  • 1 pitch divided into 2 camps
  • 10 studs Red
  • 10 yellow scarves

Aim of the game: 

  • Visit "TOP STARTRun into the opponent's camp and pick up a scarf (bag of seeds) then plant it in your camp. Only one scarf is allowed for each pass.

After 4-5 minutes, the game stops "STOP the team with the most seed bags in its camp wins. Play several rounds.

Safety instructions :

Run looking ahead. Crossing paths could cause an accident.

Variants :

  • Moving foot joint - foot bell
  • Object : Ball - ball - ring (headstand) - cup
  • If ball : Pass back in pairs or more

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Teaching tool

7 tips for channeling your child's energy

Teaching tool

how Channel your children's energy

7 tips 

Naturally, a child needs to move, even if we adults want them to be calm all the time. It's natural for a child to be restless after a long day at school. So how do we deal with it? 


What is excess energy?

Too much energy is reflected in body movements. Gestures that become jerky, preventing the child from concentrating and communicating with others.

His thoughts move from one to the other, and he no longer controls his emotions.


Find 7 tips for channeling your child's energy on Pinterest

How can I channel my child's energy?

According to child psychologist Florence Millot, the best way to channel your child's energy is to start by distinguishing between classic restlessness and what we call "over-energy ".

Then it's time tolook for the cause of the agitation. Why is my child excited? Why is he/she bursting with energy?

She also advises guiding the child in his need for movement, to frame his gestures and avoid any overflow.

How to guide the child's movement?

Take the initiative and suggest a game before he/she comes up with a crazy idea that will only increase excitement and perhaps mischief.

If you don't have any ideas, I've posted on pinterest several sports challengess that might interest you.

(They can all be used indoors and outdoors, and you're not limited by timing, since you decide when to stop).

Don't hesitate to subscribe to follow all the games I regularly update. 

Why choose a game to channel my child?

Play helps to frame the child's movements and thus modulate, moderate and control his motor momentum. 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport cards on Pinterest

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun! 

Teaching tool

How do you organize your day?

for the family

Parents : How do you organize your day?

For you and your children 

Many parents are short of time, ideas and organization when it comes to managing their family's daily life. Here are a few tips to help you and your children make the most of your day.


Parents: use an organization sheet

I've created a time-saving tool for your day. 

  • Free download
  • PDF version (printable)
  • For parents and children


Step 1: Write down everything you need to do

To help you get organized, it's important to write down everything you need to do during the day.

It can never be repeated often enough: "words fly away, but the written word remains".

The 1st step of the organization sheet is to write down all the tasks (appointment, race, accompanying your child, etc...) on the 1st part.

This way, you'll already have an overview of your day in just a few seconds. 

Step 2: Priorities are noted

The second step is very important.

It consists in prioritizing all the most important tasks that you must do without putting them off until tomorrow. 

Sample list: 

  • Picking up Chloé from school 
  • Preparing breakfast
  • Showering children 
  • Going to the gym
  • Shopping
  • Pediatrician appointment 
  • Laying out the laundry 
  • Call Mathieu
  • Watch a series on Netflix
  • Playing on the console
  • Doing homework 
  • Playing with children 
  • Taking time for yourself
  • etc. 

Keep only what is a priority for you and then move on to step 3 (the last and best step). 

Step 3: Delegate!

The aim of the third step is to delegate some of the things you haven't prioritized.

Let's imagine that you have put in your priority list : 

  • Picking up Chloé from school 
  • Going to the gym
  • Pediatrician appointment 
  • Call Mathieu
  • Doing homework 
  • Playing with children

You can delegate these tasks to anyone:

  • Preparing breakfast
  • Showering children 
  • Laying out the laundry 
  • Shopping

Organization is the best way to simplify your daily life. It's great to have a stress-free day! It's your organization that needs to adapt to your intentions and imperatives .

Fact sheet: How to organize your day

To download the organization sheet click here

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun! 

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport


I'm Xavier, a state-qualified youth and sports instructor.

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun!

BONUS ideas for sporting activities

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport