Ball games sports games

Cul-culball rule

ball game

Règle du Cul-culball

Assis sur les fesses - Passer- Lancer - Viser - Tirer - Ballon - Coordination - Stratégie - Équipe - Mouvement - Interception - Terrain - Buts - Coopération - Règles - Divertissement - Activité physique - Jeu collectif - Fair-play

Le cul-culball surnommé ainsi pour son originalité où les joueurs sont assis sur leurs fesses, est un jeu collectif qui combine amusement, stratégie et coopération. Adapté pour les enfants et même les adultes, ce jeu est une excellente activité pour l’échauffement avant une séance de sport, ou simplement pour passer un moment ludique et interactif.

Sa simplicité d’installation et son aspect divertissant en font un choix populaire dans les écoles, les centres de loisirs et même lors d’événements familiaux.

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Objectif du cul-culball

The aim is to develop : 

  • Renforcer la coordination et la communication entre les joueurs.
  • Développer la stratégie d’équipe et la précision des passes et des tirs.

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 

Organisation du Cul-culball

  • 2 teams
  • 1 balle en mousse ou en plastique
  • Un terrain 


Cul-culball rule

Two teams compete on a field - throw, shoot, pass the ball while sitting down

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

Le Cul-Culball : Un Jeu de Ballon Collectif

Le but du jeu ? Marquer plus de buts que l’équipe adverse.

Deux équipes s’affrontent, chacune assise face à l’autre. Le nombre de joueurs peut varier, mais il est recommandé d’avoir des équipes de taille égale pour équilibrer le jeu.

  • Les déplacements sont autorisés uniquement sans le ballon. L’interception s’effectue uniquement sur passe.

Au « TOP DÉPART », le ballon est lancé aléatoirement dans la zone de jeu.

Les joueurs devront se faire des passes pour essayer de marquer un but dans l’équipe adverse.

Consignes :

  • Faire des passes pour faire avancer le ballon.
  • Tirer dans la tête est interdit.
  • Il est interdit de se déplacer avec le ballon.
  • Il est interdit de se lever pendant la phase de jeu.

Variants :

  • Il est possible de se déplacer avec le ballon en main.
  • Un nombre minimum de passes est requis avant de tirer.

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Ball games sports games

Seated ball rule

jeu de Ballon

Règle de La balle Assise

From age 6

Présentation du Jeu : La Balle Assise est un jeu de ballon captivant, jouable en groupe, tant en intérieur qu’en extérieur. L’objectif est de toucher les autres joueurs avec une balle.

Very easy to install.

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Objectif de la balle assise

The aim is to develop : 

  • Esquive
  • Agilité
  • Vitesse
  • Lancer

Idéal pour l’Échauffement : Ce jeu allie amusement et exercice physique, parfait pour échauffer les enfants avant une séance de sport, contribuant à prévenir les blessures.

Pour jouer à la balle assise vous avez besoin de :

  • Un groupe d’enfants
  • Un ballon en mousse ou en plastique
  • Un terrain délimité par des coupelles ou des plots

Seated ball rule

children's ball game - touching opponents with a ball

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

Comment jouer à la balle assise :

Règles du Jeu :

  • Au début, lancez la balle au hasard dans le terrain.
  • Un enfant (A) récupère la balle et essaie de toucher un autre enfant (B).
  • Si touché, B s’assoit sur place.
  • Le jeu continue jusqu’à ce qu’il reste un seul joueur debout.

Opportunités pour les Joueurs Assis :

  • Un joueur assis peut revenir dans le jeu s’il récupère la balle.

Consignes Importantes :

  • Une balle attrapée en l’air ne compte pas comme un touché.
  • Une balle qui touche le sol avant un joueur n’est pas valide.
  • Pas de tirs à la tête.
  • Les tirs hors du terrain sont invalides.

Variantes du Jeu :

  • Possibilité de créer des alliances ou des équipes.

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Ball games sports games

The captain's ball

Ball game

Balle au capitaine

Jeu collectif - passer - lancer - rattraper

La balle au capitaine est un sport collectif qui se pratique en équipe aussi bien en intérieur qu’en extérieur. Le but du jeu est d’envoyer la balle au capitaine de son équipe pour marquer un point. Pour cela, les joueurs devront se faire des passes sans se faire prendre la balle par l’équipe adverse qui aura le même objectif. 

Very easy to install.

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Objectif de la balle au capitaine

The aim is to develop : 

  • Team spirit
  • Cooperation
  • The pass
  • The markdown


Pour jouer à la balle au capitaine vous avez besoin de :

  • 2 teams
  • Des chasubles
  • 10 coupelles
  • Une balle ou un ballon
  • Un terrain avec de la place 


Règle de la balle au capitaine

team games with one ball and two teams

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

Deux équipes s’opposent sur un terrain.

Le capitaine de chaque équipe est placé dans une zone aux extrémités du terrain. Dans cette zone, les capitaine peuvent se déplacer pour recevoir la balle mais non pas le droit de la quitter durant toute la partie. (voir image ci-dessous)

Pour le début d’une partie, la balle est lancer au hasard dans le terrain.

L’équipe qui récupère la balle va devoir l’envoyer à son capitaine pour marquer 1 point. 

Il est interdit de marcher ou de courir avec la balle en main. Les joueurs devront se faire des passes pour se rapprocher le plus du capitaine et lui faire une passe.

Pour chaque point marqué, l’engagement se fait par le capitaine de l’équipe adverse.

Vous pouvez changer de capitaine autant de fois que vous le souhaitez.


Consignes de la balle au capitaine

Règle :

  • Pour que le point soit validé, le capitaine doit attraper la balle dans sa zone sans qu’elle ne touche le sol.
  • Les autres joueurs n’ont pas le droit de rentrer dans la zone de capitaine
  • Il est interdit de se déplacer avec la balle en main.
  • Il faut au minimum 2 passes avant de l’envoyer au capitaine.
  • Si la balle sort du terrain, la remise en jeu se fait par l’équipe adverse.

Variants :

  • 3 pas possible avec la balle en main
  • Obligation de faire un nombre minimum de passe avant de l’envoyer au capitaine
  • Tous les joueurs doivent toucher la balle une fois avant de l’envoyer au capitaine 

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Teaching tool

7 tips for channeling your child's energy

Teaching tool

how Channel your children's energy

7 tips 

Naturally, a child needs to move, even if we adults want them to be calm all the time. It's natural for a child to be restless after a long day at school. So how do we deal with it? 


What is excess energy?

Too much energy is reflected in body movements. Gestures that become jerky, preventing the child from concentrating and communicating with others.

His thoughts move from one to the other, and he no longer controls his emotions.


Find 7 tips for channeling your child's energy on Pinterest

How can I channel my child's energy?

According to child psychologist Florence Millot, the best way to channel your child's energy is to start by distinguishing between classic restlessness and what we call "over-energy ".

Then it's time tolook for the cause of the agitation. Why is my child excited? Why is he/she bursting with energy?

She also advises guiding the child in his need for movement, to frame his gestures and avoid any overflow.

How to guide the child's movement?

Take the initiative and suggest a game before he/she comes up with a crazy idea that will only increase excitement and perhaps mischief.

If you don't have any ideas, I've posted on pinterest several sports challengess that might interest you.

(They can all be used indoors and outdoors, and you're not limited by timing, since you decide when to stop).

Don't hesitate to subscribe to follow all the games I regularly update. 

Why choose a game to channel my child?

Play helps to frame the child's movements and thus modulate, moderate and control his motor momentum. 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport cards on Pinterest

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun! 

Teaching tool

How do you organize your day?

for the family

Parents : How do you organize your day?

For you and your children 

Many parents are short of time, ideas and organization when it comes to managing their family's daily life. Here are a few tips to help you and your children make the most of your day.


Parents: use an organization sheet

I've created a time-saving tool for your day. 

  • Free download
  • PDF version (printable)
  • For parents and children


Step 1: Write down everything you need to do

To help you get organized, it's important to write down everything you need to do during the day.

It can never be repeated often enough: "words fly away, but the written word remains".

The 1st step of the organization sheet is to write down all the tasks (appointment, race, accompanying your child, etc...) on the 1st part.

This way, you'll already have an overview of your day in just a few seconds. 

Step 2: Priorities are noted

The second step is very important.

It consists in prioritizing all the most important tasks that you must do without putting them off until tomorrow. 

Sample list: 

  • Picking up Chloé from school 
  • Preparing breakfast
  • Showering children 
  • Going to the gym
  • Shopping
  • Pediatrician appointment 
  • Laying out the laundry 
  • Call Mathieu
  • Watch a series on Netflix
  • Playing on the console
  • Doing homework 
  • Playing with children 
  • Taking time for yourself
  • etc. 

Keep only what is a priority for you and then move on to step 3 (the last and best step). 

Step 3: Delegate!

The aim of the third step is to delegate some of the things you haven't prioritized.

Let's imagine that you have put in your priority list : 

  • Picking up Chloé from school 
  • Going to the gym
  • Pediatrician appointment 
  • Call Mathieu
  • Doing homework 
  • Playing with children

You can delegate these tasks to anyone:

  • Preparing breakfast
  • Showering children 
  • Laying out the laundry 
  • Shopping

Organization is the best way to simplify your daily life. It's great to have a stress-free day! It's your organization that needs to adapt to your intentions and imperatives .

Fact sheet: How to organize your day

To download the organization sheet click here

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun! 

sports games Traditional games

The right color

warm-up game for children

The right color

Run - memorize 

The right color is a fun and competitive warm-up game. 

The aim of the game? Not to be the last to cross the colored markers. 

Aim of the game : The right color

Its objective is to develop : 

  • Endurance 
  • Body temperature rise 
  • Memorization


The right color: a competitive warm-up game

This game raises children's body temperature.

Individual and competitive, this game will allow children to discover competition in a playful and individual way by acting with colors. 

To play the correct color you need :

  • Des coupelles ou plots de couleurs différente. (4 couleurs)
  • A place with space 

The right color game rule

children play a warm-up game to raise their body temperature

Before starting the game, mark out a field by placing coloured cups (as shown in the picture). 

Explanation of the rules

The child

  • All the children are in the middle of the field.
  • At the adult's signal, the child moves as quickly as possible to the announced color zone.
  • The last person to arrive in the color zone is eliminated.

The adult 

  • It announces a color to the children. 
  • For a good warm-up, the adult makes several color announcements without elimination.

Then, to increase the intensity of the warm-up, the adult announces several colors.


Red green blueIn the "red" zone, children move towards the red color (cross the color), then green, then blue, to stop in the final zone (blue).

The final zone is always the last color announced.

Finally, when the children's body temperature has risen. The adult can launch an elimination competition. 

The eliminated child can choose the color(s) of his/her choice for the next round. 


After each elimination, the child will drink water to keep hydrated.

Start of the game

The children move to the middle of the field.

When one or more colors are announced, the children must run as fast as they can towards the announced color(s).


The final zone is the last color announced. 

How to win the right color game

For a better warm-up for all the children, it's best to leave several heats with several variations before setting up the eliminations. 
The winner is the one who has not been eliminated during all the rounds. 
Travel :
  • Walking
  • On one foot
  • Run
  • Toe to toe jump
  • Pas chassé
  • Buttock heel
  • Knee-jerk
  • Imitation animal movement
  • Imitation road transport (what rolls)
  • Imitation air transport (what flies)
  • Etc. 
Starting midfielder : 
  • Stand up
  • Sitting
  • Lie flat on your stomach
  • Lie with back to floor


  • Colors are associated with a means of travel

Visit our home page for more information.  

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

sports games Traditional games

Early-learning games from 0 to 3 years

Early-learning games from 0 to 3 years


Based on montessori

Promoting your child's development from 0 to 3 years old

Playing with your child isn't just for fun. Through play, you'll discover and explore together an enriching and fulfilling relationship you never knew existed. Your child will sense the importance and priority you give him, which will help him to be happy and confident.

0 to 3 years

Child development through play

Child playing with shapes

Play is an essential factor in children's learning. Indeed, walking, jumping, running, climbing, crawling, pulling, etc... Allows children to get to know and master their bodies. 

The first few years are the most important, as the experiences they have will influence their intellectual and emotional development.

What is Montessori pedagogy?

Children learn the rules of the game

In 1908, Maria Montessori was a world-renowned physician and pedagogue, known for her philosophy on children. Her pedagogy is a teaching method based on self-confidence, autonomy, encouragement and gentle learning through experimentation.

The role of the adult :

Offer the child a rich, attractive and structuring environment that allows him to do things on his own.


Children acquire greater autonomy because they choose what they want to do. They learn more easily and develop at their own pace. 


Tip to follow

All the proposed activities are based on Maria Montessori's learning method. Please read the following points carefully.

Sensory tour

A sensory pathway made up of various textures helps your child develop his or her sense of touch. In fact, this pleasure is enhanced tenfold in young children. 


You will need :

  • Cushions in different sizes.
  • Bubble wrap 
  • A doormat
  • A carpet

Try to diversify your materials. 

  • 1: Make a path

    Place cushions, rugs, paper, bubble, etc. in a straight line on the floor to create a path, alternating materials and surface sizes.

  • 2: Lead by example

    It's important to always lead by example. Show him the way you want him to cover surfaces (arms outstretched for better balance).

  • 3: Come and take your turn

    Let your child try

  • 4: Help him

    Your child will probably need help at first: hold him by the arm (under the armpits) or by the hand.

  • 5 : He can do it!

    If he can do it on his own, that's great! But always stay to one side, without moving too far away, as he may lose his balance!

Variants :

  • Follow the sensory route in one direction and then the other.
  • Add surfaces as you go 


As your child's balance develops naturally, it can be stimulated and strengthened with this balancing act. 

You will need :

  • A skipping rope or chalk 
  • Little space required 
  • 1: Find a suitable location

    Whether you're indoors or out, make sure you have some space around you.

  • 2: Straight line

    If you're using chalk, draw a straight line on the floor. If you're using a rope, simply lay it on the floor.

  • 3: Lead by example

    One foot in front of the other, arms outstretched, looking straight ahead.

  • 4: In turn

    It's your child's turn to try. Let him do it on his own.

  • 5: Help him

    If your child needs help, hold his or her hands to move forward in a straight line.

Variants :

  • Adapt a line to your child's level(straight line, curved line, staggered line, etc.).
  • You can try the same thing, but this time with a bit of height, on a low wall, an upturned bench or a tree trunk.  

The little mover

The little mover's challenge consists in moving a tower built with cubes, then rebuilding it further away. This little game develops coordination and strength, and introduces the alphabet and mathematics (one cube + one cube = two cubes) in a fun way.

You will need :

  • Cubes (preferably with letters) 

If you don't have a letter cube, you can write letters or even numbers in felt-tip pens. 

  • 1: Build the tower

    Before you start, build a tower numbered from 1 to 10, starting with the cube numbered 10, then 9, 8, 7 and so on.

  • 2: Tell a story

    Tell your child a story about how today you're going to move a big tower together. It could be the Eiffel Tower or another monument (whichever you prefer).

  • 3: Beware of damage

    Of course, care must be taken not to drop it.

  • 4: We're moving together!

    Let's get started! The two of you start moving the tower. It's best to count at the same time (one, two, three, etc.). If you're using letters, spell out the alphabet.

  • 5: Moving on my own

    Once your child is doing well enough, let him do it on his own. You can still count or spell with him.

Variants :

  • Make a staircase instead of a tower.
  • Use color cubes (perfect for learning colors). 
  • Use cubes of different sizes to make the game more complex. 


Roulé-boulé, the simplest game in the world and so much fun.

Throwing or receiving a ball can be difficult for a child. But rolling it? 

Developing motor skills is child's play! 

You will need :

  • A ball 

Any type of ball is needed, as long as your child can roll it.

  • 1: Observation

    Children tend to take the ball in their hands and then drop it to the ground. Place a ball on the ground and see what your child does with it.

  • 2: Sit facing your child

    Stand in front of your child and sit with your legs apart.

  • 3: A ball that rolls!

    Roll the ball by pushing it gently towards your child and analyze his or her behavior.

  • 4 : Several possible situations

    If your child rolls it back to you, you've won! If he doesn't throw it back to you, but catches it, that's already a very good start. Stand next to him and roll the ball by pushing him (while explaining the gestures you're making).

  • 5: Encourage him

    It's not always easy for a child to discover new things. But with encouragement and a few demonstrations, they'll succeed.

  • 5: Sit down, both of you

    Sit down with your child, face to face, legs apart, and roll the ball between his legs. In turn, ask him to throw it back to you.

Variants :

  • Roll the ball to the left and then to the right, enabling it to act in space and follow trajectories. 
  • Place empty bottles side by side and roll the ball to knock them over (home bowling). 

The basin of water

After playing the roué-boulé game, the next step is to throw a ball accurately into a basin filled with water .

This will further develop your child's coordination.

Using a basin filled with water helps avoid a bounce into the target and makes the game more fun.  

You will need :

  • A ball or a ball
  • A basin 

Any type of container will do, as long as it's big enough to hold a ball. 

  • 1: Place the basin of water

    Place the water basin on the floor. If you're indoors, remember to place towels around it to avoid falling as a result of the balloon splashing.

  • 2: Lead by example

    Stand in front of the bowl and drop the ball into the container.

  • 3: In turn

    Pick up the ball and hand it to your child to do the same.

  • Step back

    Once successful, take the ball back and throw it into the bowl. Invite your child to do the same.

Variants :

  • Use different types of ball
  • Place several containersof different sizes 

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun! 

Visit our home page for more information.  

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport


I'm Xavier, a state-qualified youth and sports instructor.

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun!

BONUS ideas for sporting activities

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport