Ball games sports games

Prohibited fishing rule: ball game

Ball game

Fishing prohibited

ball game for children and adults 

Forbidden Fishing is a ball game for children. The aim of the game is to knock over all the pegs as quickly as possible.

Very easy to install. 

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Objective of the Forbidden Fishing game

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The aim is to develop :  

  • Cohesion
  • Precision
  • The throw
  • Moving in space

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Organization of the forbidden fishing game


  • 2 teams
  • 2 balls
  • 6 bowls
  • 5 studs

Forbidden fishing game rules

The aim of the game is to knock over all the studs as quickly as possible.

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

The role of the players?

  • Fisherman - aim and throw the balls to knock over the studs (fish)
  • Defender - intercept balls and protect studs (fish)

Before the game starts, the anglers position themselves outside the playing area, while the defenders position themselves inside.

At the starting signal, the blue team, with 3 balls, must knock over the studs inside the playing area.

The red team, for its part, must prevent the balls from touching the studs.

  • At the end of 5 minutes, the defenders score 1 point if there are still standing studs..

If the anglers manage to knock over all the orange studs in the allotted time, they win 1 point.

Then we switch roles and count the points.

Variants :

  • Adding balls 
  • Add fish studs 
  • Changing teams
  • Vary the number of defenders 

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Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

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sports games Traditional games

Sports quiz: Questions for champions

Quiz sportif pour enfant

Questions pour des Champions

Jeu de Quiz pour enfant

Questions pour des champions est un jeu de quiz version sport. Il combine culture générale, rapidité et motricité. 

Le but du jeu : Des questions sont posées à quatre équipes qui s’affrontent sur un terrain. L’équipe la plus rapide à réaliser son parcours et à donner la bonne réponse gagne 1 point.  

Très simple à mettre en place. Préparation en amont des questions selon le thème abordé. 

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Objectif du jeu questions pour des champions

The aim is to develop :  

  • Cohesion
  • Motor skills 

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Organisation du jeu questions pour des champions

Règle du jeu questions pour des champions

Sports quiz questions for champions

The aim of the game?

Courir et répondre aux questions pour marquer des points

L’adulte est placé au centre du terrain et pose une question aux 4 équipes d’enfants.

Au bout de 10s, l’enfant qui pense avoir la bonne réponse, slalome entre les plots puis vient lever son plot de couleur.

Le 1er plot de couleur levé donne la réponse en 1er. S’il donne la bonne réponse, son équipe remporte 1 point.

S’il donne la mauvaise réponse, c’est le 2e plot lever qui prend la main et ainsi de suite ..

Pendant les 10 secondes, les enfants se concertent sur la réponse à donner. Pour éviter que ce soit toujours le même enfant qui donne la réponse, les enfants passent chacun leur tour.

Variants :

  • Rajout d’obstacle, haies – cerceaux 
  • Mode of movement, Foot to foot jump - Foot bell - Chased step - Animals
  • Départ, assis- allongé plat ventre – allongé sur le dos, etc..
  • Musique (enceinte Bluetooth)
  • Son de la campagne
  • Son de la ferme 
  • Bruit d’animaux
  • Instrument de musique 
  • Langue étrangère 


Questions pour des champions

500 cartes de questions/réponses

En cherchant sur internet j’ai trouvé un site avec des cartes questions/réponses à imprimer sur différents sujets de culture générale : sciences, monde, animaux, sports, nature.

Le lien des questions/réponses

Sur le site

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Pursuit games sports games

Bee sting game rules

chase game

Game rules Bee sting

The rule of the bee sting game is simple: run and don't get stung by a bee.

A hospital zone is set up to treat children who have been bitten. In this hospital, children will have to complete a number of challenges in order to be cured.

This game for children and even adults is a chase game and can be used as a warm-up, like the sports uno before a sports session.

Very easy to install.

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Objective of the bee sting game

The aim is to develop :  

  • The dodge

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Organization of the bee sting game


  • 2 bees (child)
  • 5 coupelles (hopital)


Rules of the bee sting game

run and don't get hit by the bees

Pour célébrer la sortie du livre des 35 jeux, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de poursuite vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Poursuite« .

Bee stings is a chase game

The aim of the game? Run and avoid being stung by bees.

If you are stung by a bee, you must put a bandage on the sting (put your hand where the sting is).

After 3 injections, you need to go to hospital for treatment.

Hospital care:

To be cured and return to the game, you must complete all the challenges.

  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 seconds of running on the spot as fast as possible
  • 10 frog jumps
  • 10 squats
  • 5 turns on yourself

Variants :

  • You can use the printable sports challenge cards I've created for another game. Available here.
  • Don't challenge them and send all the children to the hospital zone.
  • Stinging 3 times becomes a bee

To win :

  • If you use challenges, the aim is not to win, but to raise the children's body temperature (warm-up). 

If you don't use the challenges, all you have to do to win is prick all the children and send them to hospital within the time limit.

After 10 minutes, if there are still children with less than 3 injections, they win the whole group of children.

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

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Ball games sports games

Theque rule

traditional game

Rule of theèque

(Variant of theèque)

The rule of the game is simple: two teams play against each other on a pitch, with one team batting and the other catching. Lhe aim is to clear all opposing bases before the captain (of the catching team) receives the ball.

Kickball variant of theèque 

This game for children and even adults can be used as a warm-up before a sports session.

Very easy to install.

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Objective of the theme

The aim is to develop : 

  • The pass
  • The throw 
  • The forehand / backhand 
  • Cooperation

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Theque organization


  • 1 drummer team 
  • 1 catcher's team 
  • 6 studs or cups
  • 1 baseball bat or 1 tennis racket
  • 1 tennis ball


Theque rule

A simplified variant of the team sport of baseball

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

Theca is a traditional game.

The aim of the game? Shoot the ball into the field and round the bases to score 1 run.

  • Drummers are placed in single file (behind the 2 red studs).

Each in turnthe batter, will hit the ball with a baseball bat or tennis racket to send it as far down the field as possible.

Once the ball is in the middle of the field, the batter will run as quickly as possible through the bases (marked by the red studs) and cross the finish line. finish line to score 1 point.

During this time, the catchers, who are in the middle of the pitch, must retrieve the ball and pass it to the captain/thrower (between the yellow studs), who is not allowed to move from his position.

If the ball lands at the captain's feet while a batter is running, he's out. This is why he can stop on a base before the captain gets the ball. 

The 2nd batter repeats the same process as the 1st (hitting the ball and running around the bases). 

Note that it is not possible to cross a base if it is already occupied by a batter. 

All batsmen pass 1 time, then the roles are exchanged: batsman becomes catcher and catcher becomes batsman.

To win.

  • The number of points scored by each team is counted each time they bat. After 2 innings, the team with the most points wins.

Team reminder :

Batter: Score points by running around the bases and crossing the finish line, which confers 1 point.

Catcher: Eliminate batters by passing the ball to the captain as quickly as possible (a batter between two bases is out).

* If a ball is caught in flight by a catcher without touching the ground, the batter is out of the inning.

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

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Ball games sports games

Kick-Ball rule (a variant of theèque)

ball game

Règle du kick-ball

(Variant of theèque)

La règle du Kick-Ball est simple : Deux équipent s’affrontent sur un terrain, l’une est tireur et l’autre passeur, l‘objectif est de franchir toutes les bases adverses avant que le capitaine (de l’équipe de passeur) reçoive le ballon.

Le kick-Ball est une variante de la thèque.

This game for children and even adults can be used as a warm-up before a sports session.

Very easy to install.

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Objectif du Kick-Ball

The aim is to develop : 

  • The pass
  • Shooting
  • Cooperation

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Organisation du Kick-Ball


  • 1 équipe de tireur
  • 1 équipe de passeur 
  • 6 studs or cups
  • 1 ball


Règle du kick-ball

Kick a ball around the bases to score a run

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

Le Kick-Ball est un jeu de ballon.

The aim of the game? Shoot the ball into the field and round the bases to score 1 run.

  • Les tireurs sont placés en file indienne (derrière les 2 plots rouges)

Chacun à leur tour, les tireurs vont frapper le ballon pour l’envoyer le plus loin possible sur le terrain.

Une fois le ballon au milieu du terrain, le tireur va courir le plus rapidement possible en passant à chaque fois par les bases (matérialisé par les plots rouges) et passer la ligne d’arrivée pour marquer 1 point.

Pendant ce temps, les passeurs, qui se trouvent au milieu du terrain doivent aller récupérer le ballon et le passer au capitaine (entre les plots jaunes) qui lui n’a pas le droit de bouger de sa place.

Attention, si le ballon arrive dans les pieds du capitaine pendant qu’un tireur est entrain de courir, celui-ci est éliminé. C’est pourquoi il peut s’arrêter sur une base avant que le capitaine récupère le ballon. 

Le 2e tireur recommence le même procédé que le 1er (tirer et courir autour des bases). 

À noter qu’il n’est pas possible de franchir une base si celle-ci est déjà occupé par un tireur. 

Tous les tireurs passent 1 fois puis on échange les rôles, Tireur devient passeur et passeur devient tireur.

To win.

  • On comptabilise le nombre de points des équipes à chaque fois qu’elles sont tireur, au bout de 2 manches l’équipe qui a le plus de points gagne.

Rappel équipe :

Tireur : Marquer des points en courant autour des bases et en franchissant la ligne d’arrivée qui confère 1 point

Passeur : Éliminer les tireurs, en passant le ballon au capitaine le plus rapidement possible (un tireur entre deux bases est éliminé)

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Pursuit games sports games

Pac man rule

chase game

Pac-Man Pac-Man

Run - touch - dodge

The rules of the chase game pac-man are simple: a team of ghosts must hit the pac-man within an allotted time, and a team of pac-man must escape from the ghosts within an allotted time.

This game for children and even adults can be used as a warm-up before a sports session.

Very easy to install.

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Pac man objective

The aim is to develop : 

  • The dodge
  • Endurance 

Raising your child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Pac Man organization

  • 1 pac man team
  • 1 ghost team
  • Colored chasubles to make ghosts
  • A field with lines
    • You can create your own lines with sidewalk chalk


Pac man rule

Move along the field lines without being hit by the ghost(s)

Pac Man is a chase game  

The aim of the game?

  • Move along the field lines without being hit by the ghost(s)

Two teams compete on a field with lines on the ground.

Visit "TOP STARTchildren run without leaving the field lines.

The ghosts, identifiable by their colored chasubles, must touch the other children who are the Pac Man.

When a Pac Man is hit, he is imprisoned in the circle in the midfield circle. It can be freed by being touched by another Pac man.

To win :

  • The ghosts have to hit all the Pac Men within a given time.
  • After 10 min, if 1 pac man is still alive, the pac men have won the game.

Make several sleeves.

Variants :

  • Change ghosts for each game.
  • To avoid contact, each pac man hangs a scarf on his pants or in his pocket. 

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Ball games sports games

Ball games : The elf

ball game

the elf

Run - dodge - throw - catch 

Le lutin est un jeu de ballons dérivé de la balle aux prisonniers. Le but du jeu ? Toucher ses adversaire avec un ballon et les envoyés en prison.

Each for himself or in a team, depending on the variant. 

Imp's objective

Its objective is to develop : 

  • Agility (dodging the ball)
  • Speed (getting around)
  • Precision (throwing)
  • *Group cohesion (teamwork)
  • Fair play


The elf: an active game!

The Goblin keeps all the children active on the pitch, because the pitch isn't very big, so the children always have to be on the move during the game, dodging the ball as well as retrieving it. 

To play Le Lutin you need :

  •  5 players minimum
  • 1 foam ball
  • Des coupelles ou des plots pour délimiter le terrain
  • A place with space 

Elf game rules

Sitting ball variation

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .

Before starting a game of Leprechaun, you'll need a field marked out with studs, cups, chalk, etc. 

Explanation of the rules

The player with the ball.

  • He can only take three steps with the ball
  • He has 5 seconds to decide to throw it to hit an opponent.

If he touches an opponent, the latter leaves the field and moves to the side.

If he misses, any player can pick up the ball and shoot at an opponent. 

The player without the ball.

  • He must dodge the ball and move around the pitch. 

The affected player

  • He leaves the game and moves to the edge of the pitch.
  • He keeps an eye on the player he's been hit by.
  • If he is hit in turn, he can return to the field. 

How to win at Leprechaun

To win a game, you have to touch all your opponents with the ball. If a player catches a ball in flight, he is not considered to have been hit.
A ball that bounces before touching a player does not count. 

What the Imp is allowed and not allowed to do

Authorized :

  • Catch the ball in flight.
  • Move around the entire pitch

Forbidden :

  • Aim for the head. 
  • cross the field line, in which case the player is eliminated.
  • Take more than 3 steps with a ball in hand.



  • Adding a balloon
  • Use foam or plastic balls
  • Allow alliances between players 
Ball games sports games


Team sports


Dodgeball (a variant of dodgeball)

Better known by the name of its little brother (dodgeball), Dodgeball is a team sport in which two teams compete against each other and try to eliminate each other using several balls.

Ball games

Dodgeball objective

Its objective is to develop : 

  • Agility (dodging the ball)
  • Speed (getting around)
  • Precision (throwing)
  • Group cohesion (teamwork)


Dodgeball better than dodgeball?

Le Dodgeball permet d’avoir tous les enfants actifs sur le terrain, en effet, les 5 ballons du jeu permettent à ce que chaque enfant puisse lancer ou esquiver le ballon durant la partie.

To play Dodgeball you need :

  •  6 players minimum
  • 5 ballons 
  • Des coupelles ou des plots pour délimiter le terrain
  • A place with space 

Setting up Dodgeball

Before starting a game of Dodgeball, you'll first need to create two teams, each of which will be placed in a camp on the back line, and then place the balls in the center of the field on the middle line. 

Dodgeball rules

The Dodgeball game begins

Pour célébrer la sortie de ce livre, j’offre une opportunité unique : les 5 premières fiches de jeux de ballon vous sont offertes gratuitement.

Pour profiter de cette offre exclusive, il vous suffit de : 

  1. Suivre la page Instagram @jeux_enfants_sports
  2. Envoyer en message privé le mot-clé « Ballon « .
Une fois les deux équipes placées sur leur ligne et les ballons sur la ligne du milieu, la partie commence. 
3,2,1, DODGEBALL!!
Players run around the middle of the pitch trying to catch a ball and then touch their opponent.
Au début de partie, il faut sortir du centre du terrain pour lancer le ballon sur un adversaire, ensuite vous pouvez lancer d’où bon vous semble tant que vous restez dans votre camp.
The aim of the game is to hit your opponents with a ball. The player who is hit goes to "Prison" on the side of his camp. 
If you catch a ball in flight, you eliminate the player who threw it to you and the 1st player eliminated from your team returns to the pitch.
A ball that bounces before touching a player does not count. 
how to play Dodgeball

What's allowed and what's not in Dodgeball

Authorized :

  • Protecting yourself with a ball as a shield *
  • Catching a ball in flight

* If the ball bounces off the shield and touches another player before rebounding to the ground, the player becomes a prisoner.

Forbidden :

  • Aim for the head 
  • cross the middle line, in which case the player is eliminated.

To win a game of Dodgeball

To win a game of Dodgeball, you have to put the whole opposing team in jail.

Visit our home page for more information.  

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport


I'm Xavier, a state-qualified youth and sports instructor.

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun!

BONUS ideas for sporting activities

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport