175 sports games

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The tool tool for all those who want to who want to offer children sporting experiences experiences for children, adapted adapted to their needs and development.

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En 2023, plus de 170 000 professionnels de l’animation et/ou de l’enseignement ont consulté plus de 420 000 pages sur le site internet

Raising awareness

How to raise awareness about bullying at school

Who am I?


I have a diploma in youth and sports (BPJEPS APT / UCC DIRECTION) and have been a sports educator for nine years.

I decided to take on an ambitious challenge by creating a website that draws on all my experience and ideas for sports games. This site is aimed at anyone involved in teaching one or more children to play sports.

My goal? 

That every child may grow and flourish through playful development 

"Today's children are tomorrow's future".

Physical activity doesn't just mean "doing" sport, it can also include everyday activities.

Every child should be able to grow and flourish through playful development.

why should your child play sports?

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun! 

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Easy to read
Designed by a professional

Physical activity also means walking, gardening, dancing, tinkering, playing... A leisure activity!

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport


I'm Xavier, a state-qualified youth and sports instructor.

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun!

BONUS ideas for sporting activities

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport