Ball games sports games

The forest

tennis warm-up game

The forest

Ages 5 to 77 

The forest game is a warm-up game for tennis that can be played both indoors and outdoors. Fun and physical, it helps to raise body temperature before a sports session. 

Very easy to set up (no more than 5 min) 

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Aim of the game : The Forest

The aim is to develop : 

  • Coordination
  • Precision
  • The throw 


Forest game rules

the forest

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You need :

  • 2 teams
  • 1 plot divided into 2 
  • 10 raquettes de tennis (à faire tenir debout)
  • 8 plots 
  • 10 balles (mousse ou molle)

Aim of the game: 

-Dropping tennis rackets before the opposing team

  • Visit "TOP STARTplayers throw the balls to knock down the forest (tennis rackets) standing on their sleeve.

  • Les balles arrivant derrière les raquettes sont ramassées puis relancées sur les cibles.

    Le jeu s’arrête «STOP» › quand une équipe a réussi à faire tomber toutes les raquettes de tennis au sol.

    Play several rounds

Safety instructions :

It is forbidden to aim or throw a ball at a player. 

Variants :

  • Set up a forest guard (protects snowshoes)

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

sports games Traditional games

Volcano and Glacier

warm-up game

Volcano and Glacier

Run and turn over opponents' studs

Volcano and Glacier is a warm-up game that can be played both indoors and outdoors. Fun and physical, it helps to raise body temperature before a sports session. 

Very easy to set up (no more than 3 min) 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Volcano and Glacier game rules

aim of the game: turn over opponents' studs

You need :

  • 1 team consists of ice and 1 team volcano
  • 10 studs (or more depending on the number of participants)
  • Standing pot = Volcano
  • Upside down pot = Ice cream (ice cream cone)

Aim of the game: 

  • Visit "TOP STARTplayers run and turn as many studs as possible, according to their team's type of stud.

    Continue, turning over as many studs as you can.

    After 4-5 minutes, the game stops "STOP The team with the most cones in its position wins; VOLCANO or ICE

    Jouez plusieurs manches en changeant de camp : volcan <-> glace

You might be interested in the warm-up game "Planting trees

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

sports games Traditional games

plant trees

warm-up game

plant trees

Ages 5 to 77 

Planting Trees is a warm-up game that can be played both indoors and outdoors. Fun and physical, it helps to raise body temperature before a sports session. 

Very easy to set up (no more than 5 min) 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

Aim of the game : Plant trees

The aim is to develop : 

  • Coordination
  • Agility
  • Speed 


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Rules of the tree-planting game

You need :

  • 2 teams
  • 1 pitch divided into 2 camps
  • 10 studs Red
  • 10 yellow scarves

Aim of the game: 

  • Visit "TOP STARTRun into the opponent's camp and pick up a scarf (bag of seeds) then plant it in your camp. Only one scarf is allowed for each pass.

After 4-5 minutes, the game stops "STOP the team with the most seed bags in its camp wins. Play several rounds.

Safety instructions :

Run looking ahead. Crossing paths could cause an accident.

Variants :

  • Moving foot joint - foot bell
  • Object : Ball - ball - ring (headstand) - cup
  • If ball : Pass back in pairs or more

Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

Find all the Mon enfant fait du sport files on Pinterest

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport


I'm Xavier, a state-qualified youth and sports instructor.

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun!

BONUS ideas for sporting activities

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport