Ball games sports games

spikeball game rules - ball game

Ball game

Spike Ball

Ball game for everyone - Trampoline - Team - ball - SpikeBall 

SpikeBall is a ball game in which two teams compete by hitting a ball on a trampoline.

The aim? Bounce the ball on the trampoline without it touching the ground.

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Objective of the SpikeBall game

The general aim of this ball game is to develop : 

  • Group cohesion

 Intermediate objective:

  • Bounce the ball on the trampoline

Operational objectives :

  • Be able to make a pass 
  • Be able to aim accurately
  • Be able to hit the ball

Raising the child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Spikeball game organization

Spikeball game rules

Ball game - spikeball - promotes group cohesion

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Looking for children's sports games? All sports games

The aim of the game?

  • Bounce the ball on the trampoline without touching the ground

Visit "TOP STARTthe player serving the game hits the ball on the trampoline in the direction of the opponent.

His opponent has two possible choices:

  • Pass to a teammate (maximum 3 passes and one touch of the ball per person)
  • Strike the ball in turn on the trampoline

Players can move freely around the trampoline without interfering with other players.

Note that a ball is struck with the flat of the hand.

To score 1 point :

  • Bounce the ball on the trampoline without the opponent returning it to the trampoline in turn.
  • Opponents make more than 3 passes
  • The ball touches the trampoline frame and not the net.

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Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

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guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport


I'm Xavier, a state-qualified youth and sports instructor.

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun!

BONUS ideas for sporting activities

guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport