Ball game

Agent special

Children's sports game - Aiming - Passing - Cooperating - Intercepting 

Special Agent is a ball game that can be played both indoors and outdoors. The aim? Take over the opposing camp by retrieving the ball from the spy on the other side. 

This game can be played as a warm-up before a sports session with children.

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Special agent game objective

The aim of this ball game is to develop :  

  • The pass
  • The throw
  • Cohesion
  • The markdown 

Raising the child's body temperature before a sports session helps prevent injury. 


Special agent game organization

  • 2 spies
  • 2 teams
  • A plot divided in two
  • 1 ball

Special agent game rules

Children's ball game rules - secret agent - the ruined camp

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Looking for children's sports games? All sports games

The aim of the game?

  • Invading the opposing camp
  • Catch, intercept and pass a ball

Each team places a spy in the opposing camp.

The ball is given to one of the spies, who must make a pass to one of his teammates to make him to into the opposing camp with him.

The team that completely invades the opponent's camp wins the game.

Important information:

Each team has a spy in the opposing camp. If a spy manages to make a pass to one of his team-mates, the latter also becomes a spy in the opposing camp. 

The game ends when an entire team has become a spy on the opposing team. 

  • To become a spy, you have to catch the ball COMING FROM A SPION with both hands without it touching the ground. 
  • The ball carrier cannot be hindered by opponents, but they can intercept the ball in flight.

It is forbidden to walk with the ball in hand.

    • If too difficult, accept the 3-step ball-in-hand rule

It's possible to make passes between spies

If the ball goes out of play, it is recovered by the opposing team. 

Variant :

  • A ball picked up from the ground and sent to a spy becomes a spy
  • When there are at least two spies in a camp, the opponents can hinder the spies (forcing the spies to pass to each other). 

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Tools for improvement :

Your daily life and your children's learning while having fun 

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guide pratique mon enfant fait du sport


I'm Xavier, a state-qualified youth and sports instructor.

I've created a practical guide to improve your children's learning while having fun!

BONUS ideas for sporting activities

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